Friday, April 17, 2009

Start a Band

This is proof that I haven't always been a fat boy. This picture is when I'm about 6yrs old, before the dunlap desease set in. I'm the far left, Sean Barill is in the middle, and Stevie Howenstein is on the right.

1 comment:

  1. Dunlap disease? Bwahaaa. But stop, seriously. My husband and I spotted you parking the JR Van at the Jodee show and you are not at all like you describe yourself to your listeners. Silly boy!

    Wait, that was you, right? lol.

    Great show BTW, didn't you just LOVE her interaction, she was so down to earth and lovable. I had wished she would have sang He Never Saw Julie Cry from her first album, that would have been an absolutely perfect night.
